Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I have a friend named Sarah. We've known each other since 2005. She has a young daughter named Justice. She passed away this June. Me and my friend Sarah had a rocky start but I came to adore and love her and I only met her "Mini Mighty" twice in every day life but I followed their struggles on facebook, daily. Their strength was and is like nothing I have ever seen!

There was so much hope and she was so strong, for so long and then when it appeared that she wasn't going to make it, and didn't, I just couldn't believe it! Like a bag of bricks hitting you in the face! NOOO!!!
Anyway, I went to her funeral and it was such an overwhelmingly beautiful service. Sarah was so strong... and I truly felt the presence of God there!

I was actually in the beginnings of composing music for my next album, in June and on the day that Justice passed, is when I composed the unmixed music for this song, for her. "Fly With The Angels" wasn't even intended to be a track on 'Jonny Malignity' but I lost interest in music and life really, this spring, and her death made me realize that life is truly short and that my own life wasn't that bad and that it is very important to cherish every moment in life and live it well and with that, Justice and her struggle, her story, her strength and the impact that she made in general, inspired me to finish my album and that's why it is almost done now and why I have accomplished so much more this year, with a positive attitude. That is why I dedicated my new album to her!

The 2 main reasons for this website is that
#1 - I wanted to make it clear that I am not exploiting Sarah and Justice's story for my own gain, through this single. None of my new music is even for sale. I exploit myself (and the online music entertainment entity "JONSONA") a lot, to get my presence and music known across the world and I almost didn't finish the track because I would be devastated if anyone ever thought this song was about anything other than paying tribute to 2 amazing people! I actually hurt my throat, the day I recorded the vocals for this for I was aiming for perfection - other songs can have a slight flaw here and there but THIS song had to be perfect because it was (is) for Justice. So, I just wanted to make it clear that this is not for personal gain.

#2 This song does serve as the first "official" lyrical single from my album that is not even released yet but it is also a tribute to and for a little girl and her mother, who is my friend and I will share this song with her, online --- I wanted to have a nice webpage presentation to go with the link to the song.

So, this is for you Sarah and Justice. And Justice, like I said, I only met you in life twice but you have affected my life significantly this year, in a positive way and inspired me. You were and still are, such an inspiration! Fly high, beautiful! >>LINK TO SONG<<


Something is wrong - came as a surprise
Things like this bring tears to our eyes
Just like your mother - you were strong and tough
But your physical body just had enough

Fanconi Anemia took your life
But you didn't give up without fight
So much strength from a person so young
Soul shining bright like the mid day sun

Fly with the angels sweet butterfly
Spread your wings and aim for the sky
Such injustice, Justice - Now you can rest
I miss you little friend - we will never forget

I only met you twice - but I'll never see you again
Like rolling the dice - outcomes are uncertain
That's not true - we see you all the time
In the form of a butterfly


You inspired me in ways you'll never know
Little girl known as Justice Simone
At your funeral - I felt the presence of God

The two strongest people in this world
A beautiful mother and her little girl
Now I'll drink my coffee in the morning light
and hope to see a butterfly


Composed Written & Produced by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM

"Fly With The Angels" is from
the Jonsona album "Jonny Malignity"

The single track of this song is available as a free download on Reverbnation - Link Below

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